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Stacking the Shelves (Week 19)

"Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly event hosted by Tynga's Reviews that highlights which books are new on ones bookshelf for that week. Here is what this week has brought to mine!
The Body in the Woods by April Henry (received from Henry Holt and co. through Netgalley) Review to come!
Paper Valentine by Breena Yovanoff (purchased)
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas (purchased)
Paper Valentine by Breena Yovanoff (purchased)
The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas (purchased)
What's new on your shelf this week?
Stay nerdy,
Stay nerdy,
Wow, Paper Valentine sounds creepy, but good! :D Hope you enjoy!
My Stacking The Shelves
Paper Valentine looks aaaamazing! I'm totally checking that out. And YAY FOR SARAH J MAAS! *fangirls quietly* I have The Assassin's Blade on my stack too, and omg, I'm so freakishly excited to start. She's rapidly becoming one of my favourite authors of ever. My StS!
Paper Valentine is on my TBR list, I hope it's as good as it sounds. Happy reading! My STS
The Assassin’s blade!! Eeeeep! Sarah J. Mass is my all time forever favorite author. I have to wait till they sell copies in the philippines since we’re always a few months late when it comes to books :((
Paper Valentine! LOVED it. But, Breena Yovanoff's are always good. Hope you enjoy it! :)
Here's mine
Kirsty @ StudioReads
Nice haul! I love the look of Paper Valentine, it's got such a great cover too. I hope you enjoy your books :) My STS.
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