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Book Review: Backward Compatible by Sarah Daltry & Pete Clark

Authors: Sarah Daltry & Pete Clark
Release Date: December 8th, 2013
Publisher: SDE Press
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A YA Gamer Geek Comedy in the vein of Scott Pilgrim andNick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Ideal for fans of The Big Bang Theory, The Guild, and all things Joss Whedon.
WARNING: There is no sex in this book. Your Kindle or other device will remain at a pleasant room temperature. At no point will your panties drop. Your significant other will be allowed to snore in peace as you read. You may, however, laugh yourself out of commission.
Not too long ago, in a town that, depending on your current location, is either not super far or actually quite close... (insert Star Wars theme music here...)
It is a time of chaotic hormones.
Two nerdy gents home for winter break have discovered a female gamer at a midnight release.
During the break, the gamer trio manages to reveal the game's secret boss, a hidden enemy with enough power to destroy anything in its path.
Pursued by other gamers who want to be the first to beat this boss, George and Katie race to level up, and, in so doing, restore decency and sexual activity to their personal galaxy...
WARNING: There is no sex in this book. Your Kindle or other device will remain at a pleasant room temperature. At no point will your panties drop. Your significant other will be allowed to snore in peace as you read. You may, however, laugh yourself out of commission.
Not too long ago, in a town that, depending on your current location, is either not super far or actually quite close... (insert Star Wars theme music here...)
It is a time of chaotic hormones.
Two nerdy gents home for winter break have discovered a female gamer at a midnight release.
During the break, the gamer trio manages to reveal the game's secret boss, a hidden enemy with enough power to destroy anything in its path.
Pursued by other gamers who want to be the first to beat this boss, George and Katie race to level up, and, in so doing, restore decency and sexual activity to their personal galaxy...
My Review:
Backward Compatible by Sarah Daltry and Pete Clark revolves around the nerdy romance of Katie and George, two college students who meet at the midnight release of their favourite video game. Right from the beginning, their relationship is compelling and charming, with their nerdy banter being the cherry on top.
I could not put this book down. I started it Sunday morning and did absolutely nothing else until I finished it. The relationships between the characters are diverse and interesting. Katie and George have this instant spark that is incredibly fun to read. I couldn’t help routing for them the entire time.
However, despite the charming personalities of the main couple, the character that I enjoyed reading the most was George’s best friend, Lanyon. He has some of the best jokes, one-liners, and sarcastic comebacks that I have ever read. His witty banter, innocent demeanour, and awkward pick-up lines had me laughing out loud in quite a few places. He was a blast to read!
Despite the amazing connections between the characters, one of the things that I thought could have been improved was the plot. A large portion of the book is spent with the characters interacting through role playing games. At the beginning, I enjoyed following the action. There are some great scenes where the characters fight dragons, monsters, and each other. However, closer to the end of the book, I was getting tired of it. I would have preferred it if the authors wrote about some other nerdy aspects like going to conventions, reading comic books, television shows, movies and so on, rather than only touching on the gaming side of it. Yes, there are some great references to one of my all time favourite shows, Firefly, although it is short lived.
If you consider yourself a nerd, then I would definitely give this book a try. Thanks to the hilarious writing from Daltry and Clark, I was laughing out loud throughout so many scenes. Definitely worth a read!
I give Backward Compatible, Sarah Daltry and Pete Clark, 4 out of 5 stars.
(I received a copy from SDE Press through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)
Stay nerdy,
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