Thursday, 23 January 2014

21:35 - 34 comments

New Weekly Meme: Feature & Follow Friday!

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

I'm trying a brand new meme this week...Feature Friday (hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read). So its basically a way of spreading the word of ones blog and gaining new blogging friends, as well as writing about fun topics!  This is my first time trying it so lets see how it goes...

Note: If you want, you can follow me by scrolling down on the right side bar.

This week's question is...Which books am I looking forward to reading in 2014?

I'm looking forward to reading a lot of books this year. However, here are some that I'm jumping-up-and-down-in-my-seat excited about!

City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, #6)Sinner

Which books are you excited about this year?

I hope this meme works out, it sounds like fun!

Subscribe or come back on Saturday for Stacking the Shelves!

Stay nerdy,


Wait...what?! Sinner! Looks amazing! I'm going to have to catch up that series so I can read Sinner when it comes out.

New GFC follower.

Ooh, I didn't know the second Reckoners book was coming out this year. Wonderful! I have to add that one to my list. ;)

New follower via Bloglovin and GFC!

This is my Follow Friday!

I have not started The Mortal Instruments series as yet. But maybe I will soon. It seems interesting. Good list :)

Happy Friday! new follower

Nice. I've read only books 1 and 2 of Wolves of Mercy Falls but will definitely pick up book 3 once Sinner comes out. I'm waiting for City of Heavenly Fire to come out before I start reading the TMI series although I have finished reading the The Infernal Devices already.

I'm a new follower of GFC and Bloglovin. Here's my #FF

I hope to read some great books this year but I have not selected them yet..I plan to read any book that interests me along with revisiting some of my old reads …:)
New Bloglovin follower..
Here is my FF post..:)

I cannot wait for CoHF!! AND SINNER! These are both must reads for me this year! Great picks, girl! I'm a new follower via gfc!

Pivot Book Reviews FF

I'm excited for Sinner too. It didn't make my lists, but only because I already have it scheduled for a Waiting on Wednesday post.

Thanks for stopping by! I'm following via bloglovin'! I've only heard of CoHF but the others ones look interesting too. I can't wait to see your review for Scintillate. See this book popping up everywhere it seems. Happy Friday!

also super excited for City of Heavenly Fire. Following via Twitter.

Great post. Have a great weekend! =)

Following you on Bloglovin.

Opinionated Cupcakes

Lovely choices! New GFC follower!

Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

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