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Top Ten Tuesdays: What I Would Recommend to a Teen Who Claims They Don't like to Read

For me this is an obvious choice because, believe it or not, I was
going through a stage where I didn't want to read. It wasn't that I didn't like
it, its just that I was missing the right book. This one was recommended highly
to me and I am so glad it ever was! This is one of two series that I owe my
love of reading too, the second one being…

This series is one that introduced me to the world of YA lit. I
honestly do not think I would be reading if it wasn't for the time I was
scoring a bookstore shelf and spotted that lovely cover with the guy in the top hat.
In fact, I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for these books. Whether
you read or otherwise, I tell you…READ THESE BOOKS!! ;)

For those who would rather see the movie than read the book, this
one is for you! Its very similar to a really good action/adventure/sci-fi blockbuster film. I swear its
ready for production. Not to mention that it was near impossible to put
down and had the greatest plot twist that I have ever read!

I put this one on the list because of its size and realistic
setting. For people who don’t like to read, I could see this book being worth a
try. Plus it is very popular and there’s a movie based on it, meaning that there is
plenty to do and talk about after.

I would recommend this one due to the fact that it was pretty
straight forward and wasn’t too complicated. For those who don’t want to be
left trying to decipher and follow a difficult storyline, then I would say to
give this one a try.

I don’t know about you, but I have never met anyone who doesn’t love
John Green’s books, especially this one. It was so quirky and fun, while still
being serious, tragic and utterly real at the same time. I would recommend this
book to everyone, reader or not. Plus the movie is going to be released
next summer, so one has that to look forward too!

I found this book to be a very lighthearted, so if
you don't want to something to serious you should look into reading this one. Plus its set
in Paris so one could go wrong with that!

I probably wouldn’t have picked up this series if it wasn’t for the
fact that I was going to take a writing seminar that the author was going
instruct. I am so happy I did! The writing is so fluid and poetically creepy at
some moments that if you don’t like reading because you find the actually writing
uninteresting, then I would recommend this to you!

I have actually recommended this book to someone who hated reading before and the next time I saw said person, she ended up charging towards me to give me a big hug. So if its worked in the past, why not try it again? ;)

For those who love crime drama shows on TV like Criminal Minds or
CSI, then I would recommend this to you.
And there is my list for this week! Which books would you recommend to someone?
Come back tomorrow for this weeks edition of "Waiting on Wednesday"!
Stay nerdy,
I think I might have to try Shiver at some point. I've heard some good things about it!
Fantastic list!
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