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Top Ten Tuesdays: Bookish Things I am Thankful For

I have been under the weather this week so I have been neglecting my blogging a little bit, my apologies! I will post that review that I promised for yesterday later this week! As for now, its Top Ten Tuesdays!
This week on "Top Ten Tuesdays" (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) the topic is bookish things that I am thankful for.
10. Other Book Bloggers
I honestly don't think I would be writing this right now if it weren't for all the other book bloggers out there! Both the ones I have talked to in person and all the blogs I follow on the web! I tried to create this blog way back when I had no idea of what it involved (weekly memes etc.) and it wasn't very good, trust me. Then about a year later, after reading and asking questions, I was able to come back and make it much better...I think. :)
9. The Library
Thank the Gods for the library!! I wouldn't be able to read the mounds of books that I read if it weren't for that heavenly sanctuary five minutes away from my house. Not only does it accommodate any book lover's budget, but for me it is a peaceful place where I can go write, read, or just be alone...well as alone as I can be as long as there's Wi-Fi. ;)
8. Tumblr
One of the first social networking sites I joined! This was the home of my first nerdy blog, Nerdosophy. I still update it on a regular bases, if you want to check it out. Anyways, Tumblr was introduced to me when I first Googled Cassandra Clare's name and her blog showed up. That click was the first exposure that sparked my love of Fandoms. That flame has only but grown since then.
7. The Writing Workshops I Attended this Summer
This summer I attended a huge writing camp at the Vancouver central library. I learned so much from all the guest authors that came to speak and look at our work. It was such a great experience to be in huge room with so many other young fans like myself as well!
6. Fandoms
In my opinion, everyone has at least one fandom of some sort. It is such a nice feeling to be able to walk to my computer and rant about a book, movie, TV show, etc. and see all the people that will listen and discuss with me! It is an amazingly unique form of a community!
5. Goodreads
This blog and my various massive reading lists run on Goodreads. This is one of my most visited sites and I love it! Whenever I want to look up a release date, book cover, or synopsis for a book, this is the place that I go!
4. NetGalley
I owe a lot of my views and followers to this site. Getting all the advance copies gives me the ability to make my blog more advertised on sites like Goodreads and Tumblr when I post my reviews. NetGalley, I love you! Thank you. :)
3. All the Authors I got to Meet this Year
I was extremely lucky to be able to meet all the amazing authors I did this year! I was able to stand within 4 feet of amazing people like Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Maggie Stiefvater, Jeyn Roberts, and more! I also got that opportunity to write a report about Cassandra Clare's Vancouver Clockwork Princess tour stop on TMI Source! That was extremely exciting! You can check that post out if you want, here!
2. My Parents (in this Case for Putting up with a Fangirl)
Not only do my parents buy me so many books, they agree to take me to book events, writing shows, movie premieres, Comic-Cons etc. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I know its not easy putting up with an extreme Fangirl on a daily bases! ;) Love you both very much.
1. All my Wonder Friends who Rant/Cry/Scream with Me about Various Different Fandoms
Last, but definitely not least, my group of amazing friends who rant/cry/scream about nerdy stuff along beside me. You know who you are. ;) I have had so many wonderful conversations with you that have only enhanced my love of reading, writing, and more! Thank you for reading excerpts of my writing and giving me feedback! Thank you for holding my hand and tapping your shoulder when my favourite book characters die! Thank you for being on the other side of a phone call after the new Doctor Who episode airs! You are all amazing! Love you! *hugs*
And that concludes my list for this week. What are some things you're grateful for?
Come back tomorrow when I'll be posting this weeks edition of "Waiting on Wednesday".
Stay nerdy,
I honestly don't think I would be writing this right now if it weren't for all the other book bloggers out there! Both the ones I have talked to in person and all the blogs I follow on the web! I tried to create this blog way back when I had no idea of what it involved (weekly memes etc.) and it wasn't very good, trust me. Then about a year later, after reading and asking questions, I was able to come back and make it much better...I think. :)
9. The Library
Thank the Gods for the library!! I wouldn't be able to read the mounds of books that I read if it weren't for that heavenly sanctuary five minutes away from my house. Not only does it accommodate any book lover's budget, but for me it is a peaceful place where I can go write, read, or just be alone...well as alone as I can be as long as there's Wi-Fi. ;)
8. Tumblr
One of the first social networking sites I joined! This was the home of my first nerdy blog, Nerdosophy. I still update it on a regular bases, if you want to check it out. Anyways, Tumblr was introduced to me when I first Googled Cassandra Clare's name and her blog showed up. That click was the first exposure that sparked my love of Fandoms. That flame has only but grown since then.
7. The Writing Workshops I Attended this Summer
This summer I attended a huge writing camp at the Vancouver central library. I learned so much from all the guest authors that came to speak and look at our work. It was such a great experience to be in huge room with so many other young fans like myself as well!
6. Fandoms
In my opinion, everyone has at least one fandom of some sort. It is such a nice feeling to be able to walk to my computer and rant about a book, movie, TV show, etc. and see all the people that will listen and discuss with me! It is an amazingly unique form of a community!
5. Goodreads
This blog and my various massive reading lists run on Goodreads. This is one of my most visited sites and I love it! Whenever I want to look up a release date, book cover, or synopsis for a book, this is the place that I go!
4. NetGalley
I owe a lot of my views and followers to this site. Getting all the advance copies gives me the ability to make my blog more advertised on sites like Goodreads and Tumblr when I post my reviews. NetGalley, I love you! Thank you. :)
3. All the Authors I got to Meet this Year
I was extremely lucky to be able to meet all the amazing authors I did this year! I was able to stand within 4 feet of amazing people like Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Maggie Stiefvater, Jeyn Roberts, and more! I also got that opportunity to write a report about Cassandra Clare's Vancouver Clockwork Princess tour stop on TMI Source! That was extremely exciting! You can check that post out if you want, here!
2. My Parents (in this Case for Putting up with a Fangirl)
Not only do my parents buy me so many books, they agree to take me to book events, writing shows, movie premieres, Comic-Cons etc. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I know its not easy putting up with an extreme Fangirl on a daily bases! ;) Love you both very much.
1. All my Wonder Friends who Rant/Cry/Scream with Me about Various Different Fandoms
Last, but definitely not least, my group of amazing friends who rant/cry/scream about nerdy stuff along beside me. You know who you are. ;) I have had so many wonderful conversations with you that have only enhanced my love of reading, writing, and more! Thank you for reading excerpts of my writing and giving me feedback! Thank you for holding my hand and tapping your shoulder when my favourite book characters die! Thank you for being on the other side of a phone call after the new Doctor Who episode airs! You are all amazing! Love you! *hugs*
And that concludes my list for this week. What are some things you're grateful for?
Come back tomorrow when I'll be posting this weeks edition of "Waiting on Wednesday".
Stay nerdy,
Totally love your list :)
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