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Feature & Follow Friday (Week 2)
Feature Friday (hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read) is a way of spreading the word of ones blog and gaining new blogging friends, as well as writing about fun topics!
Note: If you want, you can follow me by scrolling down on the right side bar.
This week's question is...Which book(s) do I wish I can read all over again for the "first time"?
This is an easy one for me because the first book that comes to mind is...Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare.

This remains one of my all time favourites and to be able to experience all the twists and turns, feelings and heartbreaks all over again would be amazing! Its very rare that I read a sequel which I consider better than the first book, however, Clockwork Prince really hits that mark and more for me! I consider this to be the book that introduced me to the YA genre and got me into reading. Thank you Cassandra Clare! ;)
Which book(s) would you like to read again for the "first time"?
Stay nerdy,
Blog hoppin through. Have a great weekend! =)
Following you on Bloglovin. Appreciate the follow back:
Opinionated Cupcakes
Rinny & Kimmy
Opinionated Cupcakes
I have been meaning to read this series. As usual I can't seem to get around to it! New GFC follower her and ill also like your facebook page
Nice choice!
Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf
Nice pick. I purchased this one a while back but haven't started it as yet. I hear its wicked good though so I get why it's your pick today :)
Happy Friday!
I haven't started the Infernal Devices yet, but I plan to this year! For some reason I'm behind on my TBR list - e.g. I'm still on book 3 of the Mortal Instruments series! >.<
New Follower via GFC! :)
My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews
I hadn't even thought of that series. Good choice. Have a great week.
Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz
The Infernal Devices have been sitting on my Kindle waiting to be read for too long. Can't wait to experience them for the first time!
New follower on BlogLovin'. My first FF!
I LOVE the Infernal Devices Series. I actually liked it much more than Mortal Instruments. Nice choice.
New GFC Follower
Kat @ Books Are Bread
Great pick, this has been on my TBR list for so long now. My F&F Friday.
I haven't read that one yet.
New follower via GFC and bloglovin :)
Here is our FF!
I haven't read this series yet. Thanks for sharing!
New follower on GFC
Nice pick! I would probably reread that series once The Mortal Instruments is completed.
Old follower.
Hi there, following thru from Parajunkie's FF, and now following you via GFC & Twitter. You can find me at BookShelves Of Dreams
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