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Stacking the Shelves (Week 12)

"Stacking the Shelves" is a weekly event hosted by Tynga's Reviews that highlights which books are new on ones bookshelf for that week. Here is what this week has brought to mine!
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski (I won an ARC from Farrar Straus Giroux through Goodreads). Review coming soon!
Endless Knight by Kresley Cole (borrowed from the library)
What's new on your shelf this week?
Subscribe or check back next week for my review on Dominion and my interview with the author, Melody Manful, on Monday!
Stay nerdy,
Stay nerdy,
I LOVED The Winner's Curse! I borrowed an ARC from a friend a few months ago, and read it. It was amazing, right?! And I have a finished copy of Endless Knight that I have not read yet, yikes! I should read it before Dead of Winter comes out! D:
Have a wonderful weekend!
Check out my STS post!
So many people got TWC. I can't wait till March when it comes out. I hope you can stop by mine.
I loooove the cover of The Winner's Curse. It's so fabulous! My StS!
Enjoy them both. Happy reading :) My STS
Great haul... have to say that I am super jealous of your copy of The Winner's Curse though, I want that one soooo bad. I hope you enjoy your books :) My STS.
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